Peer-Reviewed Articles (*undergraduate or graduate student):

Aranda, Elizabeth and Rebecca Blackwell. “The Racializing Work of Cultural Narratives: An Analysis of Colorblind Frames of Puerto Rican Climate Migrants.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Forthcoming 2023. 

Blackwell, Rebecca*, Elizabeth Aranda, and Alessandra Rosa. 2023. “’We always remember the island’: Puerto Rican climate migrants’ emotional meanings of home.” Emotion, Space & Society,

Castañeda, Heide, Melanie Escue*, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2023. “A Lot of People There were Undocumented, or at Least Looked Like Me”: Illegality, Visibility, and Vulnerability among Immigrant Young Adults in Florida. Journal of Cultural Geography, 40(2): 118-142.

Blackwell, Rebecca*, Elizabeth Aranda, Melanie Escue*, and Alessandra Rosa. 2023. “Cascading Disasters: The Impact of Hurricane Maria and Covid-19 on Post-Disaster Puerto Rican Migrants’ Adaptation and Integration in Florida.” Latino Studies, 21:138-161 (Lead article) .

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, Heide Castañeda, and Girsea Martinez Rosas*. 2023. “Undocumented Again? DACA Rescission, Emotions, and Incorporation Outcomes among Young Adults.Social Forces.  101(3): 1321-1342 - Media coverage: Research on DACA summarized in news article, Tampa Bay Times, November 3, 2022.

Vaquera, Elizabeth, Heide Castañeda, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2022. “Legal and Ethnoracial Consciousness: Perceptions of Immigrant Media Narratives Among the Latino Undocumented 1.5 Generation.American Behavioral Scientist. vol. 66 (12): 1606-1626.

Blackwell, Rebecca*, Alessandra Rosa, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2022. “¿Nuestro Nuevo Hogar? [Our New Home?]: Examining Puerto Rican Migration and Conceptions of Home, Placemaking, and Belonging.” Women, Gender, and Families of Color, 9 (2): 208-229. - Cited in Amicus Brief by Latino Justice PRLDEF, Hispanic Federation, and Long Island Hispanic Bar association in Supreme Court of the United States, Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico v. Centro de Periodismo Investigativo, Inc.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Rebecca Blackwell* and Alessandra Rosa. 2021. “’Even if they promise, you know it won’t happen’: Ontological Insecurity from Overlapping Collective and Cultural Trauma. CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, CUNY, Vol. 33 (1): 89-111.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Heide Castañeda. 2021. “Shifting Roles in Families of Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Recipients and Implications for the Transition to Adulthood.” Journal of Family Issues.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2018). “Immigrant Family Separation, Fear, and the U.S. Deportation Regime.” Monitoring of Public Opinion: Economic and Social Changes.  No.  5.  P.  204—212.

Vaquera, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Aranda. (2017). “Moving Up and Down the Ladder: Perceived Social Mobility and Emotional Dispositions among South Florida’s Immigrants.Sociological Forum,32 (4): 793-815.

Vaquera, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Aranda and Isabel Sousa-Rodriguez. (2017). “Emotional Challenges of Undocumented Young Adults: Ontological Security, Emotional Capital, and Well-Being.” Social Problems, 64 (2): 298-314.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Fernando Rivera. (2016). "Puerto Rican Families in Central Florida: Prejudice and Discrimination and their Implications for Successful Integration." Women, Gender, and Families of Color 

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Isabel Sousa-Rodriguez*. (2015). “Personal and Cultural Trauma and the Ambivalent National Identities of Undocumented Young Adults in the U.S.” Journal of Intercultural Studies, DOI:10.1080/07256868.2015.1072906

 Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2015). “Racism, the Immigration Enforcement Regime, and the Implications for Racial Inequality in the Lives of Undocumented Young Adults.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Vol. 1 (1): 88-104.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Cecilia Menjívar, and Katharine Donato. (2014). “The Spillover Consequences of an Enforcement-First U.S. Immigration Regime.” American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 58 (13): 1687-1695. - Article cited in Biden Administration’s Final Rule on DACA, August 30, 2022.

Vaquera, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Aranda, and Roberto Gonzales. 2014. “Latino/a Incorporation: Navigating through Spaces of Liminality.” American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 58 (14): 1823-1833.

Flores-González, Nilda, Elizabeth Aranda, and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2014). “‘Doing Race:’ Latino Youths’ Racial Identification and the Politics of Racial Exclusion.” American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (14): 1834-1851.

Vaquera, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Aranda. (2011). “The Multiple Dimensions of Transnationalism: Examining their Relevance to Subjective Well-being.” Journal of Social Research & Policy, 2 (2): 47-72.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Elizabeth Vaquera. (2011). “Unwelcomed Immigrants: Experiences with Immigration Officials and Attachment to the U.S.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 27: 299-321.

Eitle, Tamela McNulty, Ana-María González Wahl and Elizabeth Aranda. (2009). “Acculturation and Alcohol Use among Latina/o Adolescents.”  Social Science Research, 38: 732-742.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2008). “Class Origins, Modes of Incorporation, and Pathways into the Puerto Rican Transnational Middle Class.” American Behavioral Scientist, November, 52 (3): 426-456.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2007). “Struggles of Incorporation among the Puerto Rican Middle Class.” The Sociological Quarterly, 48 (2): 199-228.

Aranda, Elizabeth and Guillermo Rebollo-Gil*. (2004). Ethnoracism and the “Sandwiched” Minorities.” American Behavioral Scientist, March, 47 (7): 910-927.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2003). “Global Care Work and Gendered Constraints: The Case of Puerto Rican Transmigrants.” Gender & Society, 17 (4): 609-626.

Book Chapters:

Aranda, Elizabeth, Girsea Martinez-Rosas*, and Rebecca Blackwell*. Toward the Use of Emotions as Methodological Technique for the Empirical Analysis of Migration. In Sciortino, G., Cvajner, M., and Kivisto, P. (eds.) Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming 2024.

Rosa, Alessandra, Elizabeth Aranda, and Hilary Dotson. 2022. “’You are not allowed to speak Spanish!” This is an American hospital’: Puerto Ricans’ Experiences with Linguistic Discrimination.” In Cobas, Jose (ed.) The Spanish Language in the United States: Rootedness, Racialization, and Resistance. NY: Routledge.

Martinez, Girsea*, and Elizabeth Aranda. (2018). “Racialization and Strategies of Resistance among Undocumented Latino Young Adults in the United States.” In Latinos in the New America: Racialization and Resistance. (ed.) Jose Cobas and Joe Feagin. NY: Routledge.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, and Isabel Sousa-Rodriguez*. (2016). “Personal and Cultural Trauma and the Ambivalent National Identities of Undocumented Young Adults in the U.S.” in Kivisto, Peter (ed.) National Identity in an Age of Migration: The US ExperienceNew York, NY: Routledge.[Reprinted]

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2009). “Puerto Rican Migration and Settlement in South Florida: Ethnic Identities and Transnational Spaces.” Pp. 111-130, In Ana Margarita Cervantes-Rodríguez, Ramón Grosfoguel and Eric Mielants (Co-Eds.), Caribbean Migration to Western Europe and the United States: Essays on Incorporation, Identity, and CitizenshipPhiladelphia: Temple University Press.

Aranda, Elizabeth, Rosa Chang* and Elena Sabogal. (2009). “Racializing Miami: Immigrant Latinos and Colorblind Racism in the Global City.” Pp. 149-165 in José A. Cobas, Jorge Duany, and Joe Feagin (Co-Eds.) How the United States Racializes Latinos: White Hegemony and its Consequences. Boulder CO: Paradigm Publishers.

Edited Collections:

Co-editor of special issue with E. Vaquera. “Immigrant Well-Being, Incorporation, and Belonging.” American Behavioral Scientist. Forthcoming 2023.

Co-editor of special issue with E. Vaquera. “Immigrant Well-Being and Enforcement-First Measures in the U.S.” American Behavioral Scientist. Forthcoming 2023.

Co-editor of special issue with C. Menjívar and K. Donato. (2014). “Spillover Effects of Immigration Enforcement in Local Contexts.” American Behavioral Scientist. Vol. 58 (13).

Co-editor of special issue with E. Vaquera and R. Gonzales (2014). “Latino/a Incorporation Across Social Institutions.” American Behavioral Scientist, 58 (14).

 Other Articles, Reports, Misc.:

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2023. Review of “Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Disaster, Vulnerability & Resiliency” Centro Journal, 43 (3).

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2021. Review of “Sunbelt Diaspora: Race, Class, and Latino Politics in Puerto Rican Orlando.” By Patricia Silver. Centro Journal, 33(3): 175-179. 

Aranda, Elizabeth, Rebecca Blackwell, Melanie Escue, Maritza Novoa-Hadley, and Alessandra Rosa. 2020. Report on Puerto-Rican Post-Disaster Migration Survey. Technical report  prepared for Mujeres Restauradas Por Dios.

Smith, R. C., Patler, C., Menjívar, C., Massey, D., Bachmeier, J., Aranda, E., Waters, M., Bean, F., Brown, S., Amuedo-Dorantes, C., Abrego, L., Dreby, J., Ortega, F., Hsin, A., 2019. Amici Curiae Brief of Empirical Scholars in Support of Respondents.

Arroyo-Flores, Juan*, Alessandra Rosa, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2019. “Understanding Puerto Rican Voting in the United States.” Policy Brief, Scholars Strategy Network, .

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2018. Review of “Nuevo South: Latinas/os, Asians, and the Remaking of Place.” By Perla M. Guerrero, Ethnic and Racial Studies, pp. 1353-1355.

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2018. Review of “On the Move: Changing Mechanisms of U.S.-Mexico Migration.” By Filiz Garip. American Journal of Sociology, 123 (4): 1232-1234.

Rivera, Fernando and Elizabeth Aranda. (2017). “When the U.S. Sneezes Puerto Rico Already has a Cold.” Contexts, October 5.

Aranda, Elizabeth. (2017). “Response to Valdez and Golash-Boza.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40 (13): 2232-2239. 

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2016. “The New Challenges Facing Young Undocumented Immigrants.” Policy Brief, Scholars Strategy Network, .

 Aranda, Elizabeth. 2014. Review of “Race Migrations: Latinos and the Cultural Transformation of Race.” By Wendy Roth. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 37 (5): 848-849.

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2013. Review of “Intercultural Couples: Crossing Boundaries, Negotiating Differences.” By Jill Bystydzienski. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Vol. 36 (1): 230-231.

Aranda, Elizabeth. 2004. “The Puerto Rican Nation on the Move: Identities on the Island and in the United States.” By Jorge Duany. Latino Studies, Vol. 2 (1): 125-127.